About Us

Derwent Anaesthesia was founded by a group of private anaesthetists wanting to provide quality anaesthetic care in Hobart.

One of our main aims was to establish a format to allow the anaesthetist and the proceduralist/surgeon to have long-term regular working lists together. In doing so we have allowed anaesthetic, surgeon and operating staff working relationships to develop, increasing understanding between staff, efficiency and importantly patient safety.

The anaesthetists in the Derwent Anaesthesia group work in multiple private hospitals around Hobart.  The majority also hold appointments at the Royal Hobart Hospital with roles including current or previous positions as Supervisor of Anaesthetic Registrar Training, Director of the Acute Pain Service, Obstetric Anaesthetic Lead, Research lead, the Interim Director of State Trauma Services as well as a number of other positions.

Need to Make an Appointment?

If you are an individual patient, you can request an appointment by calling us on (03) 6292 0973.
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